Sts. Constantine and Helene

Sharing the Gospel of Christ 

Our mission at Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Newport News, Virginia is to keep, practice, and proclaim the Orthodox Christian Faith. The work and ministry of our Parish will include proclaiming the Gospel, sanctifying the faithful through God's grace in worship, the Divine Liturgy and the Sacraments, and enhancing their spiritual life. We will fulfill the great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by inviting others into the Church through Baptism and/or Chrismation, educating them in the Orthodox Faith through the establishment of programs, schools and philanthropic activities, and implementing Christian ministries.

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Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday, February 16
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
15-Year Trisagion for Platon Gailey
8:45 amOrthros
10 amDivine Liturgy
Wednesday, February 19
6 pmParaclesis
Saturday, February 22
1st Saturday of Souls
9 amOrthros
10 amDivine Liturgy
12 pmChrismation
Sunday, February 23
Judgement Sunday (Meatfare Sunday)

Click here to see our full calendar


We Invite You to Join Us in Worship and Fellowship

The Worship of God - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, - is fundamental to the life and spirit of the Orthodox Church. The Divine Liturgy is conducted in both English and Greek and Liturgy books are located in each pew for you to follow along. Please join us every Sunday morning for Orthros (Matins) at 9:00 AM, Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM, followed by fellowship in the Hellenic Center next to the Church.

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Offering Your Time, Talent, and Treasure
Offering Your Time, Talent, and Treasure

Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God the gifts they have been blessed with. Give Today!

News and Information
News and Information

Local and Archdiocese News including issues of the Cross+Roads are available online

Fr. George Interview
Fr. George Interview

Listen to an interview with Father George Chioros by Greg Bicouvaris (26 min).

Visit our Online Store
Visit our Online Store

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